Speech & Language Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Experience the transformative power of our personalized speech-language therapy services for children with ASD

Autism speech therapy

What is ASD?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can impact a child’s communication, social interaction, and behavior. Children on the autism spectrum may struggle with speech and language, social skills, repetitive behaviors, and sensory processing, affecting their ability to thrive in academic and social settings. Individuals who are on the spectrum also have many strengths of their own, which must be revealed and utilized to help them grow into their truest selves.

How Maya Can Help

Talk to Maya offers expert speech-language therapy services to support clients with ASD. Our founder, Maya, has a master’s degree in speech-language pathology, 6 years of experience at top NYC public schools, and a great deal of experience with private clients. She provides teletherapy sessions, offering accessible and convenient support for your child. Over her career, Maya has dedicated herself to supporting numerous children on the autism spectrum, passionately guiding them to flourish as their distinct, remarkable selves. She understands the importance of collaborating closely with the child’s comprehensive support network – encompassing parents, caregivers, teachers, doctors, occupational, and physical therapists – and consistently goes the extra mile to coordinate her efforts with the entire team.

Our Approach

Our personalized therapy sessions focus on improving language skills, nonverbal communication, and social skills for children with ASD:

  • Language Development:
    Improving vocabulary, grammar, narrative, and pragmatic language skills through a multitude of strategies, games and activities.
  • Nonverbal Communication:
    Providing direct instruction and practice with facial expressions, gestures, and body language through video modeling, role playing, and other functional strategies.
  • Social Skills:
    Encouraging children to develop essential social skills and explaining the importance behind them, such as initiating, turn-taking, making eye contact, and recognizing social cues.
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC):
    Offering support for children with limited verbal abilities, using picture symbols, communication devices, or sign language to facilitate communication.
  • Self-Acceptance, Confidence and Self-Advocating:
    Recognizing that each child is an individual with their own strengths, weaknesses, and unique traits to be celebrated. While ASD is not something that can be “cured”, self acceptance and self-advocacy are critical skills to learn early and practice often in order to lead a fulfilling life.


The Talk to Maya Difference

Maya’s extensive experience, qualifications, and dedication to helping children with ASD, set Talk to Maya apart from other speech-language therapy services. By providing targeted, individualized support, we help your child build a strong foundation for effective communication and social success.

A Brighter Future for Your Child

Speech therapy can lead to significant improvements in communication and social skills for children with ASD, paving the way for greater success in academic and social contexts. At Talk to Maya, we’re committed to empowering your child’s communication journey and unlocking their full potential.

What Our Clients Have to Say

ASD can be a very challenging diagnosis to receive, but you are not alone in this journey. Contact Talk to Maya today for support, a consultation, and to begin your child’s journey towards improved communication and social skills. Schedule your appointment now