Improve Your Child’s Social Communication

Discover expert speech-language therapy services designed to help children overcome social communication challenges and thrive in social and academic settings.

Social communication speech therapy

Social Communication

Effective communication goes beyond knowing how to speak or write in a given language. It involves understanding the context and unwritten rules of social communication. Some children struggle with these rules, which can negatively impact their ability to communicate effectively in different situations. This may result in your child having limited friendships and demonstrating difficulties connecting with others, which can be upsetting for both you and your child.

How Maya Can Help

Talk to Maya offers specialized speech-language therapy services to help children with social communication challenges. Our founder, Maya, has 6 years of experience at top NYC public schools, a master’s degree in speech-language pathology, and a great deal of experience with private clients. Maya’s experience spans ages 4-18, adeptly guiding the development of social communication skills, navigating the intricate layers of non-verbal signals and unspoken rules that can pose significant challenges for comprehension.

Our Approach

Providing personalized therapy sessions focused on developing essential social communication skills tailored to each child’s needs:

  • Using Language for Different Purposes:
    Helping children use language effectively for requesting, greeting, informing, demanding, disagreeing, or promising.

  • Adapting Language:
    Teaching children to adjust their language according to different listeners and situations.

  • Conversation and Storytelling Rules:
    Guiding children in following the rules for conversations and storytelling, such as taking turns, staying on topic, and using nonverbal cues to know when to stop, or to repair a breakdown in communication.


The Talk to Maya Difference

Maya’s extensive experience and dedication to helping children with social communication challenges set Talk to Maya apart from other therapy services. She uses various tools, including video modeling, role playing, and structured conversation practice, to provide targeted, individualized support.

Empowering Your Child

Our expert speech-language therapy services empower children to overcome social communication challenges and lead more fulfilling lives. Maya effortlessly cultivates a judgment-free environment in her therapy sessions and beyond. This approach is vital in nurturing authentic, compassionate connections with clients, empowering them to embrace self-acceptance and delight in the therapeutic journey towards improved social integration, without ever compromising their distinctive identity.

What Our Clients Say

Don’t let social communication challenges hold your child back. Contact Talk to Maya today for a consultation and begin your child’s journey towards improved social communication skills. Schedule your appointment now!